Hello Pet Owners and Lovers of Goa!

Welcome to this blog!

Let’s start with the obvious- We all need to travel (yes, even pet owners!). Sometimes, it is just for a few hours to a friend’s party (but oh! it’s raining and we can’t leave the pets in the garden, nor can we lock ’em up!); or it is for a few days (say, for a quick business trip or a short vacation); or for a few months (when we travel to different parts of the world). One of our biggest concern is who will take care of our pets in our absence.

While there is the option of leaving their pets with friends or at kennels, it takes the pet away from both familiar people and familiar environment. Some pets don’t mind and some have gotten used to it and even end up having fun. But most pets end up with a less than positive experience. My belief is that they are best served if they are left in familiar environments. That helps them to cope better with the absence of their people-families. That is where pet-sitters come in!

If pet owners had access to pet sitters in their vicinity, they would be able to leave their pets in their charge and have a worry-free trip whether it is for a few hours, days, weeks or months! Only pet owners know what a blessing that is!

This blog and other resources like Facebook Group, etc. are created to help pet owners find pet sitters and for pet lovers to get an opportunity to hang out and have fun with pets! Pet sitters can also use this as an opportunity to earn a few bucks or even get free accommodation!

So, let’s create a community that can depend on each other and ensure that house pets in Goa are well taken care of even in the absence of their people-families!